Saturday, August 23, 2014

Welcome to Morocco

The African country of Morocco is mainly therefore so popular for a holiday, because it is easy to reach from Europe. Only through the Strait of Gibraltar that country is separated from Europe.
Morocco is due to both the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coast. If you want a mountainous country with secluded coves, should drive to the Mediterranean coast, while the Atlantic coast, miles long and has wide sandy beaches. These are perfect for a beach holiday, of course. Also you will find many white port cities, where there are dozens of hotels. One of the most famous cities on the Atlantic coast is Agadir. 
far from these two coasts are the vast expanses of the Sahara;the oases are at tourists also like a popular destination. To the west of the country you will find the mountains of the High Atlas;here is some even skiing problem.
Most visited cities in the country are Fes, Marrakech, Meknes and Rabat - these are often referred to as the royal cities. Culturally interested tourists should go in these cities, because here you will discover many treasures of the most important culture of the country of Islam. 
on the list should be a visit to the city of Casablanca are at the top; this is located on the Atlantic coast and is known primarily thanks eponymous film. Should you visit here the Hassan II Mosque; whose minaret is a whopping 210 meters high - thus applies this house of God as the highest in the world.
In Morocco, there are several climate zones, the Mountain High and Middle Atlas are the climate divide. While in the north-west prevails a Mediterranean climate, the interior is determined by the continental climate. The Sahara determines the climate in Morocco largely. In the outskirts of this desert it rarely comes to rain and the temperatures are hot. If you decide on a trip to the coastal areas, is the best season from April to November. The interior, however, it is best to visit from October to May.
For the entry to Morocco in general both a visa and a passport is required; However, travelers from Germany do not need a visa as long as the stay in the country does not take longer than three months. The passport should be valid for at least six months.


January 1New Year
January 11Independence Manifesto
FebruaryBirth of the Prophet
May 1Labor Day
July 30Throne hard
14 AugsutIntegration of the Western Sahara region
August 20Revolution Day of the king and of the people
August 21King Mohammed's birthday
August / SeptemberEnd of Ramadan
November 6Anniversary of the Green March
NovemberFeast of Sacrifice
November 18Independence
November / DecemberIslamic New Year

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