Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Morocco sixth in the world as the best destination for tourism

 Morocco rank sixth on the ladder of rating the top 10 tourist destinations for families,
Organization of Islamic Cooperation" During the year 2014, surpassing many of the Islamic countries by obtaining 6.4 degrees in the classification of Muslim travelers site "Crescent Ratng 2014.

The classification that Malaysia was ranked first, and the UAE was in second place, followed by Turkey in the third place, while Indonesia ranked fourth, and Saudi Arabia, in fifth place and Morocco in sixth place and Jordan in the seventh, while occupied Qatar, Tunisia and Egypt ranks eighth, ninth and tenth , respectively.

And are classified as tourist destinations, "I'm" in the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and non-Muslim countries based on the proportionality of the tourist destination with the requirements of family holidays, and the availability of facilities and services for travelers Muslims in addition to marketing initiatives and the promotion of family perspectives.

As for the classification of the top 10 tourist destinations for families in non-Muslim countries, replaced Singapore in the first place and South Africa in second place and Thailand in third place, while the United Kingdom came in fourth place followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina in fifth place.

from   assdae
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