Saturday, August 23, 2014

MARRAKESH,Kiss of World Tourism

La ville de Marrakech exemple d'une ville dynamique du patrimoine marocain célèbre pour son rouge traditionnel qui se dressent comme témoins à la nature de l'objectif ferme traditionnelle dans leurs maisons et les murs, les marchés et les acolytes et Zkgaha et même son produit local, Valium Au moment où l'anxiété et des crampes dans les manifestations de la mondialisation travaillent Marrakech clou valeurs spirituelles du patrimoine et de le mettre en évidence.
De cet héritage distingué apprécié par la ville, qui remonte construit pour 1071-1072 l'UNESCO pour y inclure le règlement "de la ville de Marrakech" du patrimoine mondial pour la protection du patrimoine culturel et naturel du patrimoine mondial, qui vise à maintenir la certification de naturel et culturel qui ont une valeur universelle et exceptionnelle pour les générations à venir.
Et constituer le carré mois sites touristiques Jemaa El Fna dans la ville qui était - la capitale de l'Etat Almoravide alors l'espace d'état Almouhdih- populaire pour Gap et de divertissement comme le cœur battant de Marrakech et un lieu de pèlerinage pour les visiteurs de partout dans le monde qui aspirent à mis les pieds dans ce domaine en raison de la réputation de la célèbre, qui offre gagné intéressant de serpents et conteurs d'énigmes et d'histoires Marwda, dormir sur le sol de la maison, aux côtés du patrimoine airs musiciens multiple jouant Mtrafiqin avec des danseurs et danseuses tordre leur corps dans les danses, marocaine traditionnelle, ce qui attire les touristes et permet de se démarquer bouche bée devant les plaques visuelles depuis la périphérie de l'arène à côté de la mosquée, "El Fna» à tous ses rives.
Et réduit les manifestations de regarder riche patrimoine populaire et unique sait visiteurs non seulement Barth cette ville antique, mais l'héritage antique marocaine globale Une fois debout au milieu de la place Jemaa El Fna dans le quartier de Marrakech, entouré par un mélange de gens de partout dans le monde, voir Hawwah danser cobras, qui les privait de ses dents et gobelets et des sorciers et magiciens, comme rassembler nombre alarmant de personnes - en particulier Alsaah- sous la forme d'anneaux autour Alushamin henné et qui Anakecon leur corps ce qu'ils veulent de Smat et à moindre coût par rapport aux devises de leur pays.
Et prendre étals des herbes et des traitements de toutes sortes de médicaments, l'espace n'est pas significative, le centre des stands du festival, qui sont innombrables dans l'arène, et vous voyez ailleurs dans les hommes dorment sur des matelas sur la couverture de laine sur le terrain, et a engagé la pratique du peuple »en dentisterie» à l'aide des pinces pour extraire les dents, médiation cette scène évoquant l'atmosphère de carnaval tables en bois plusieurs formes et tailles longues et Awan odeurs , y compris un mélange d'odeurs d'épices et les aliments matrice devant des pionniers de la scène à choisir, la délicieuse, la viande cuite à la manière d'marocain et mélangée avec une variété de types d'épices et de la taille des poissons et des types de plusieurs, y compris grillé ou frit, pour le couscous et agneau rôti et sauce applicable dans "tajine", un vase d'argile a distinctif couvercle conique.
  Et sur le côté de la scène, magasins répartis dans son intégralité représente le principal marché, et est l'un des plus grands marchés de l'artisanat dans le monde où le visiteur trouve des robes et des robes traditionnel marocain avec de la maroquinerie et des bijoux, des bijoux de cuivre, tapis, et aussi beaucoup d'épices, qui sont essentiels dans les plats marocains et l'odeur de safran, le cumin, le poivre noir et ail-Ajmi outre les oranges indiqués ce qui constitue un mélange d'odeurs blocs transitoires Lanuf, et les payer pour acheter de grandes quantités de cette (épices) à la maison avec eux dans son contenu sacs des primes du Maroc, tout comme les noix et les fruits secs de matériaux épars en abondance dans les vitrines .
Compte tenu de la richesse de la "Marrakech" de l'héritage de la grande culture est devenu le baiser de l'Organisation mondiale du tourisme et le siège de conférences internationales, de haut niveau, le classement il une place particulière dans Maroc moderne, avec tous ses monuments historiques sont les murs et les portes, et Koutoubiya et minaret qui atteint sa hauteur à 67 mètres, et tombeaux Saadiens.
Sources historiques identifiés pour constituer le premier noyau de Marrakech en 1070 sous le règne de marabouts, qui sont nomades groupe tribus berbères venu du désert. A évolué dans la ville sous le règne du sultan Ibn Yasin (1061 - 1107) dans une large mesure, à devenir un centre politique et culturel de l'ouest de l'Afrique islamique et l'Andalousie, et le revenu unitariens en 1147 de prendre dans la capitale à leur règle, pour former la ville au cours de leur règle rayonnante scientifiquement et culturellement important pour en faire un centre culturel et économique et politiquement, qui est inégalée dans l'Occident musulman, alors saisi par Mérinides venant de l 'année Moyen 1269 AD, mais ils les ont transformés, et ont Fès, la capitale de l'arrêt de la proximité de celle-ci à partir de leur lieu d'origine, qui a conduit à un déclin de la ville de Marrakech et la convertit en une position secondaire.
  En l'an 1551 AD de la ville a retrouvé son statut de capitale de Saadaan (1589 -1659 AD), sous le règne de construction des bâtiments et de nouvelles installations le plus important palais Badi complexe Mouassine école et le fils de Joseph et un certain nombre d'arrosages, mais le Marrakech pris une forme définitive, à partir de la période du règne du sultan Sidi Mohamed Ali, qui a travaillé sur revenu à sa position et par la création de nouveaux quartiers et des monuments, et des sources historiques suggèrent que la ville antique a pris sa forme définitive, à partir du règne du sultan que les prochaines étapes ont été limités à la restauration de ce qui a été accompli.
Selon les statistiques publiées par le "CRT" Conseil Perle du Sud (Marrakech), le nombre de touristes qui se pressaient à leur disposition pendant le mois de Août dernier 149 000 et 766, ce qui signifie une augmentation de 10% par rapport à la même période de l'année dernière et les Français viennent en face de touristes visité la ville durant cette période, avec 62 mille 214 touristes a augmenté et a atteint 12%, suivis par les Espagnols de 12 mille 969, tandis que les Italiens ont atteint le nombre 9535, puis B3953 touristes britanniques, pour les touristes en provenance des pays arabes, portant le nombre à 2168.
  Et enfin l'expérience de la ville, qui se trouve à la périphérie de l'Atlas dans la première nuit, l'éclairage de la lampe et mille, disent-ils, pour éclairer la scène principale par "El Fna" et continuer à manger et il s'assurer que les premières heures du matin

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flights from morocco


Go walking throug the small alleys of the souks to visit old handicrafts. A local guide shows you the way and tells you the nice stories. Also about the former sultans building their rich palaces and more in the imperial city of Marrakech. The Koutoubia mosk, the most beautiful old gate Bab Agnaou, the Saadian tombes, the ruines of Palais el Badia, the richness of Palais el Bahia, the Musée Dar si Said and the Marrakech Museum. The old Koranic school Medersa Ben Youssef with it's famous wood carvings. The local guide makes you discovering all the magic's of Marrakech. A great way to start your visit and  Marrakech holiday.


A cookery course in the middle of the medina, the heart of Marrakech. Learn the art of making a tagine, brewing the perfect mint tea, or try your hand at crafting the perfect pastilla. Then, at the end of this hands on workshop, enjoy the fruits of your labours and eat you way through your creations!


This excursion takes us into the Atlas Mountains to see a vast array of vegetation, coloured mountains, small mountain streams, Berber villages and local mountain people. The local souk in Tahanaout (Tuesdya) and Asni (Saturday) are a wonderful opportunity to make pictures of a traditional rural market bustling with activity.


Images of Ouzoud are featured in almost every Moroccan tourist brochure. The waterfalls are a 3 hour car ride away from Marrakech and are found in the middle of the Atlas Mountain range. Falling from a height in excess of 100 meters, the falls plunge into an endless series of pools. The gorge of the Ouzoud Waterfalls is home to families of Barbary apes and a variety of native avian species - a bird watcher's delight! Many visitors to Morocco don't expect this kind of "natural experience", so a visit to beautiful Ouzoud comes as a refreshing surprise.


This 2-dayy excursion takes you to the other side of the High Atlas Mountains over the pass Tizi-n-Tichka (meaning in Berber: difficult pass). You encounter an imposing landscape of the high mountains and traditional Berber villages. The descent along the south eastern side of the chain offers a sudden change in the lush landscape to an arid, desertlike panorama. Near Ouarzazate you can visit the Kasbah village of Ait Ben Haddou. This 11th century old kasbah village is now UNESCO protected and the site that inspired many movie makers: a.o.The Gladiator and Lawrence of Arabia were filmed here. The views from the upper heights are awe inspiring and worth the required climb of narrow, winding streets. In Ouarzate you can visit the old Palace of the last Pasja of the Glaoui dynasty: the Taourirt Kasbah. And the Atlas fim studio; very nice for children.


An ancient Portuguese fortress that dates from the 18th century (formerly called Mogador) and one of the most attractive towns along Morocco’s Atlantic coast, Essaouira. Enjoy a two and a half hour drive through vast dry planes and argan plantation to this beautiful town.
You may continue sightseeing and visit the art galleries and the fortified harbour with its stalls of freshly caught barbequed fish. Lunch can be taken in one of the town’s recommended restaurants and the afternoon can be spent far from the hustle and bustle strolling along the beach.
Unknown Web Developer

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Welcome to Morocco

The African country of Morocco is mainly therefore so popular for a holiday, because it is easy to reach from Europe. Only through the Strait of Gibraltar that country is separated from Europe.
Morocco is due to both the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coast. If you want a mountainous country with secluded coves, should drive to the Mediterranean coast, while the Atlantic coast, miles long and has wide sandy beaches. These are perfect for a beach holiday, of course. Also you will find many white port cities, where there are dozens of hotels. One of the most famous cities on the Atlantic coast is Agadir. 
far from these two coasts are the vast expanses of the Sahara;the oases are at tourists also like a popular destination. To the west of the country you will find the mountains of the High Atlas;here is some even skiing problem.
Most visited cities in the country are Fes, Marrakech, Meknes and Rabat - these are often referred to as the royal cities. Culturally interested tourists should go in these cities, because here you will discover many treasures of the most important culture of the country of Islam. 
on the list should be a visit to the city of Casablanca are at the top; this is located on the Atlantic coast and is known primarily thanks eponymous film. Should you visit here the Hassan II Mosque; whose minaret is a whopping 210 meters high - thus applies this house of God as the highest in the world.
In Morocco, there are several climate zones, the Mountain High and Middle Atlas are the climate divide. While in the north-west prevails a Mediterranean climate, the interior is determined by the continental climate. The Sahara determines the climate in Morocco largely. In the outskirts of this desert it rarely comes to rain and the temperatures are hot. If you decide on a trip to the coastal areas, is the best season from April to November. The interior, however, it is best to visit from October to May.
For the entry to Morocco in general both a visa and a passport is required; However, travelers from Germany do not need a visa as long as the stay in the country does not take longer than three months. The passport should be valid for at least six months.


January 1New Year
January 11Independence Manifesto
FebruaryBirth of the Prophet
May 1Labor Day
July 30Throne hard
14 AugsutIntegration of the Western Sahara region
August 20Revolution Day of the king and of the people
August 21King Mohammed's birthday
August / SeptemberEnd of Ramadan
November 6Anniversary of the Green March
NovemberFeast of Sacrifice
November 18Independence
November / DecemberIslamic New Year

Popular Destinations


from marokko.tourismus
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Friday, August 22, 2014

The atmosphere makes Morocco is a country of tourism

  The dominant climate in Morocco is Mediterranean; temperate in the west and north by the Atlantic Ocean. Inside, the climate is continental with significant temperature differences. The area of ​​the Atlas is wet, snow is common. The South has a desert climate.
In the interior, the climate varies with altitude. Summers are hot and dry, especially when the hot sirocco blows or the Chergui, summer wind from the Sahara. In this season, average temperatures are 22 ° C to 24 ° C. The winters are cold and rainy with frequent frost and snow. The average temperature then changes from 12 ° C to 14 ° C and can drop to -20 ° C exceptionally.
The pre-Saharan and Saharan Morocco has a dry desert climate.

from tourisme-maroc
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tourist wealth of morocco

Morocco has very important natural and historic assets and a rich and diverse cultural heritage.
Tourism in Morocco is affrime increasingly as a real priority of its development plan, given its economic and social positive impact.

Morocco, a haven of fun for those who know how to enjoy their holidays with its tourist offer multiple choices to suit all tastes. This is the land of season four, which summarizes all the African continent, with its forests, deserts, dunes, mountains, waterfalls and almost green.

Unknown Web Developer

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Morocco sixth in the world as the best destination for tourism

 Morocco rank sixth on the ladder of rating the top 10 tourist destinations for families,
Organization of Islamic Cooperation" During the year 2014, surpassing many of the Islamic countries by obtaining 6.4 degrees in the classification of Muslim travelers site "Crescent Ratng 2014.

The classification that Malaysia was ranked first, and the UAE was in second place, followed by Turkey in the third place, while Indonesia ranked fourth, and Saudi Arabia, in fifth place and Morocco in sixth place and Jordan in the seventh, while occupied Qatar, Tunisia and Egypt ranks eighth, ninth and tenth , respectively.

And are classified as tourist destinations, "I'm" in the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and non-Muslim countries based on the proportionality of the tourist destination with the requirements of family holidays, and the availability of facilities and services for travelers Muslims in addition to marketing initiatives and the promotion of family perspectives.

As for the classification of the top 10 tourist destinations for families in non-Muslim countries, replaced Singapore in the first place and South Africa in second place and Thailand in third place, while the United Kingdom came in fourth place followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina in fifth place.

from   assdae
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Morocco, a country of nature

Nature in Morocco is at hand, desert, mountain, valley and sea, the country is available on everything to offer for nature lovers!
Rounds at all levels gladly roam the mountains of Morocco, of the highest elevations of the mountains of the
countryside to the slopes which indulge in the Mediterranean Sea make this region a few housing charming area.

mountains in morocco

Lakes full of fish species, waiting for fishing enthusiasts, athletes hoist the challenges of the Middle Atlas Mountains and the Great, on foot or on bicycles or paragliding, whether climbing or kayaking or caving.
And up to 4000 meters Qmmh
Ifrane <Switzerland Morocco> blessed with amazing fresh in summer and winter and Thelugea Brahladtha typical hard by mules.
Nothing more impossibly description of the residence at the gates of the desert, towards the destination Ouarzazate to discover Hesaatha and colors. At night, they chose camping in the desert, a refuge in the mountains or in any place, or at the hospitality of the population, all of the meetings authentic Do not forget, they are at the heart of the Moroccan identity Kashgar palm and Argan oil and lavender honey.
Off the Atlantic, Gulf of Cishrk entering Bmaaham turquoise, and Stnamon watching migratory birds and flamingos.

In Morocco, all tastes are found in nature.

from visitmorocco
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Introduction about tourism in Morocco

  Tourism plays an important role in the economy of Morocco, where is the core of the service sector in Morocco, which is available on the road network and Skkih length up to 59 474 km and 1813 km, and there is the most important international airports in all of [,, Fez, Agadir, Marrakech, Tangier, Oujda and eyes. As stationed all of the most important ports of Casablanca, Mohammedia, Kenitra, Tangier, Nador and entering and Agadir.
There Morocco many World Heritage Sites: the archaeological site of Volubilis, Palace of Ait Ben Haddou, Mazagan (new), the ancient city of Essaouira, old city in Fez, the ancient city of Marrakech, the ancient city of Tetouan, the historic city of Meknes, cultural space of Jemaa El Fna, the city Tangier and the city of Tan Tan.

1 Tourism antique cities
2 mountain tourism
3 sports tourism
4 religious tourism                
5 beach tourism
6 statistics                                                                        

Tourism antique cities

Market near the Jemaa El Fna square in Marrakech.
The official focus of tourism activity in Morocco, through the decades, the cultural heritage, which he antique cities Bmatherha rich historical and traditional industries and popular culture, this Fez, the first Islamic city in the Maghreb, is considered an open museum of history come alive. University of villagers includes a series of ancient and traditional markets, hotels Altarichah.ohzh Marrakech Koutoubia red surrounding a silo, and raises the attention of visitors to the Badi Palace and break the lighthouse and Agdal Gardens, in addition to the diverse world of traditional industry. But her heart beating remains represented in the Square "El Fna" classified by the body, "UNESCO" universal human heritage of oral literature and the arts, which is an open space to showcase popular purebred in various forms and colors. It is no coincidence that the selection of Marrakech to host the National Festival of Folk Art and the Meknes and Rabat and Salé, WHDH city of Tangier that wonderful nicknamed the Bride of the North and overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and the Pacific Alatlenti and accepted Taroudant, pieces of ancient history opens its doors and its libraries and museums and castles for tourists hungry for knowledge ..
Mountain tourism

Bashfshaon funky cafe, much of the population depends on tourism revenues
Since the beginning of tourist activity takes the form of contemporary pioneers discovered distinct spaces for the exercise of mountain tourism. The city Azilal Small (east of Marrakech) present activity. In the winter form of the Atlas Mountains pole attractions thanks to the snow, which shall circulate Hamadtha. Morocco and the available spaces are important for skiing on the snow in various articles thereof, whether in "Okimdn" on the outskirts of Marrakech, or in "Michleven" Ifrane, Azrou cities and suburbs, and regions are available at sports facilities and tourist
In the summer, comes the role of amateur sports climbing, which is particularly active in the outskirts of Marrakech, or convoys crossing the High Atlas foothills north of Azilal to valves or composed or Tinerhir southern foothills. It also reaches deep caves visits enthusiasts especially those located in the outskirts of the cities of Agadir in the south and in the north-east of Taza. It also flows on these mountains amateur nature reserves, where there is the Atlas Mountains and the Rif Mountains on the most important protected areas in the country, especially the reserves Souss-Massa and Toubkal.
Sport tourism
Moroccan authorities have made special efforts to make sports activity in the service of tourism. And relied in particular on the game of golf as a sport senior businessmen, tourist villages has built around a series of golf courses across the country
But sports tourism in Morocco did not generate this administrative decision, before it was the mountains provide an appropriate space to fly glider, and natural lakes, located in various regions of the country, has been, and continues to raise interest gamers calm waters. At the same time constitute the country, in different regions, plenty of space to practice my sport hunting and fishing
Religious tourism
Tidjania corner Fez
Beach tourism
Morocco has 3,500 kilometers of beaches, a third of the Mediterranean Sea, and the rest on the Atlantic Ocean. It is what makes him a favorite of amateur and tourism destinations, Moroccan and Ojanb.oukd beaches were always a favorite destination with tourists during the summer season in particular.
The sea is the Mediterranean proposes to visitors West South shores of quiet water pure and golden sands, from Saadia to Tangier, passing through the front and Al Hoceima and Ristinka and small palace, with displays of the Atlantic shores of a variety of natures, from Tangier to Lagouira, passing Boeselh and Moulay Bousselham and Mahdia and Temara Sukhaybarat and Casablanca and neonatal and Essaouira, Safi and Agadir and Sidi Ifni and eyes, as well as Tangier, which is the capital of this type of tourism.

booking in morocco

The Ministry of Tourism of Morocco on Wednesday, July 5th, the number of tourists in Morocco in the last five months of the current year rose by 16 per cent compared with last year. He has visited about 2.09 million tourists in the country mentioned period, including 696 thousand Moroccan immigrant abroad. The ministry said that the highest percentages recorded in Tangier by 31 per cent. In Marrakech, the figure was 27 per cent and 14 per cent in Agadir and 11 per cent in Casablanca and 9 per cent in Meknes and 8 per cent in Rabat and 6 per cent in Essaouira.
Tourism in Morocco recorded a decrease in revenue was 43% in early 2002 due to the effects of the events of September 11 in the United States and had revenue of tourism in the first month of the year to $ 102 million compared to the same period in 2001 where revenue amounted to about 179 million dollars.
And works in the Moroccan tourism industry about 620 000 people and was the industry has seen a significant development in the past who scoop September 11 In 2000, increased tourism revenues of 28% and reached to 8.26 billion dirhams (38.2 billion dollars), but that Morocco aims to receive ten million tourists a year by 2010 from about 2.4 million tourists last year. And Morocco tries to reduce the negative effects left by the events of September continue in more projects, work has started since October 2002 for the development of sites for the construction of 36 hotels with about 7 thousand rooms in Marrakech an investment that will cost 44.6 billion dirhams as well as some of the projects for many investors.
Morocco may be less harmful than the bad situation of tourism in the world due to the moderation that sets it apart.
Has initiated the Moroccan Office of Tourism in determining the most prominent features of the emergency plan to cope with the current crisis, Morocco is able to attract between 5 and 6 million tourists without taking into account border tourism, which can be changed to some extent a variety of tourism and attract them an estimated two million tourists increase Tourism on the Moroccans who are abroad and publicity campaigns studied with priority given to all classes

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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